Suggested Activities

Good morning students,

Today we will be reviewing Linear Relations from Algbera 1, before we begin work on our Algebra 2 Content.

Please have a loose sheet out, with a pencil, to take notes. Jot any questions down as you watch the following videos.

Remember, you can pause or re-play each video, if you so choose.

At the end of this activity, you wil be required to answer the following questions:

  • What does a line look like that has zero slope?
  • What does a line look like that has an infinite/undefined slope?
  • What is the slope-intercept form of a line?
  • What is the General form of a line?
  • Find the equation of a line that passes throught the points (1, -4) and (-3, 4)
  • What is the equation of a line that passes through the point (-3, 5) and is perpendicular to the line y = 1/3 x - 2

Graphs of Lines -

Finding equations of Lines -

Parallel and Perpendicular Lines -